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Dominion Psyche, Reciprocity Psyche, Borderland Consciousness—Jerome Bernstein, Earth Climate Dreams
Dominion, Reciprocity and Ecocide - Jerome Bernstein
Facing Climate Change through a Jungian Lens—Jeffrey Kiehl, Earth Climate Dreams Symposium
We Need to Talk about Climate Change, with Depth—Sally Gillespie, Earth Climate Dreams Symposium
Depth Ecology and Climate Change—Jonathan Marshall, Earth Climate Dreams
Dreams and the Animated Earth—Stephen Aizenstat, Earth Climate Dreams
The Human Soul in Transition at the Dawn of a New Era—Erel Shalit, Earth Climate Dreams Symposium
Navigating the Great Transition—Susannah Benson, Earth Climate Dreams Symposium
The Frankenstein Prophecies: The Untold Tale—Robert Romanyshyn, Earth Climate Dreams
Jerome Bernstein | Face to Face in Santa Fe | Speaking of Jung #30
The Well at the Dawn of Life: Teachings of the Maya—Nancy Furlotti, Earth Climate Dreams Symposium
Shrink Rap Radio Preview#550 with Jerome Bernstein on Trump and the Collective Unconscious